Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well I guess we could update y'all a little...

I was released as University Branch Relief Society President about 2 weeks ago and gratefully passed the mantel onto Annalaura!!!! Stake Conference is this Sunday at which time I will be sustained for my new calling... There is always much the Lord would have us do. However, the last couple weeks of little church responsibility has been very refreshing. Bret is still Elders Quorum President for the next 18 months at which time we will have to move to a family ward so Hayden can go to nursery.
Speaking of Hayden. He is a real mover and shaker!!! I feel him a lot more frequently. Sometimes when Bret and I are watching TV on the couch Bret will get a big smile on his face and then reach for my belly because he just saw Hayden move. I love those precious moments. We already know which parent will be the nice guy and mean mom... So I tell Bret to remind Hayden that he can be Daddy's boy but Mommy loves him too. We had our last ultrasound on October 23 and the doctors all said he is right on track. He weighed 2lb and 14oz which I thought was big but they said that's average. Bret and I are guessing he will be between 7-8lb's when he is born. I really hope he fits through my birth canal...
My health has been good. I have a bit of a sinus thing starting because the weather in Michigan keeps changing but so far so good. I am resting lots and keeping the apartment in order. I finally finished reading all the Twilight books and I look forward to seeing the move with some girlfriends soon.

I had a wonderful baby shower two weeks ago at the Miles home. (They are the family I nanny for) Where Hayden got the most handsome outfits and fun goodies. The shower had a great turn out of people. I loved it and everyone had a good time. Bret really liked going through everything when he got home from work that night. We didn't want to buy anything till after the shower but now we have most everything Hayden will need for his first few months of life. Bret had Wednesday off from work so we went shopping for a dresser for all of Hayden's cloths (We won't need to buy him any till he is 6 months because of all his grandma's and the shower)!!! We think he may have more outfits then Bret and I put together. He will be the cutest baby ever!!! Anyway, we spent all day trying to find a simple non expensive dresser but even a cheep one at Wal-Mart was about $300. Finally, I suggested we try at Art Van Clearance center just to drool. Miracles do happen...we found a fun blue bedroom set (dresser, night stand, wall mirror and twin bed headboard) for $300. Even with taxes the set was cheaper and more sturdy then any single dresser we had looked at all day long. We were exited to say the least, I could hardly contain myself!!! We got it home and into Hayden's room just in time to leave for our baby basics parenting class. It was the funnest class we have been to because I must have gotten Hayden exited about his new bedroom set also...He would not stop moving all night and it wasn't just little twitches...he was jumping, kicking, punching, waving and having a good old time. It's a good thing Bret and I already know how to change diapers because we had a hard time paying attention to the teacher with our little entertainer doing tricks.
We are so happy and truly blessed. Life is full of adventures so treasure all you can.


Nancy said...

This is your cousin Jenn. I found your blog from the comment you left on my mom's. Don't be offended she never wrote back. She doesn't get into the blog world very often. Anyway, i'm excited your having a baby boy. Kids are awesome!!! It looks like you guys are doing well. Keep in touch.

Stephi said...

You are adorable. I look forward to seeing what wonderful things you will do with your new calling. And I can't wait to see that little baby! He will be so spoiled, in a good way. Love, Stephi

Katelyn said...

It's so wonderful to see an update. I can't believe you are getting so close to Hayden being born!

AMezNewz said...

How fun! I love baby showers...there are so many cute baby clothes!

Eric and Hayley said...

What you have a blog? Sis. Gregory...why did you never send me notice!!! yea Yea YEA! I hope you don't mind me reading it! And ocngrats on being pregnant:)